A farmer with disability, in the village of Koudiéré, practiced climate Smart Agriculture Techniques to improve the food security of his family

Food security activities promotion was an important component of the Phase I of the USAID WA-WASH Program.  The objective of this component was to help the beneficiaries increase their yields through the adoption of new agricultural practices using the climate smart agriculture (CSA) approach.  Through this approach, the Program intended to improve the food security of the target populations and those around them. In Burkina Faso, many farmers benefited from trainings related to the CSA approach.

Mr. Sambo Kaboré is one of the 20 farmers from the village of Koudiéré (Central region of Burkina Faso) who participated in the CSA training organized by USAID WA-WASH in 2014.  After the training, Sambo started to apply the zaï technique, one of the techniques learned during the training.  Although he had difficulties implementing the CSA approach due to his disability – Sambo uses a wheel chair – what he was able to accomplish was incredible due to his determination.

In charge of eleven persons, Sambo says: “Despite my disability, I continue my efforts to use the zaï technique.  I have been using this technique for three years and I have better yields.  With the traditional technique, my harvests never exceeded 60 kg on white corn.  The zaï technique is so helpful that I have increased the size of my farm and I no longer have to buy additional corn to feed my family.”  In 2016, he applied the zaï technique on his white corn field.  At the end of crop year 2016, Sambo harvested 450 kg of white corn, almost eight time more his harvest from his traditional field using the same area.  According to Sambo, the zaï technique has many advantages including better water retention, less manure per area, etc. In addition to the income generated from the additional corn and groundnut production, his gardening activity (cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers) help Sambo pay school children’s school tuitions and address his family health issues. “I am grateful to USAID WA-WASH for the opportunity it gave me to improve my living conditions and to provide more food security to my family”, concluded Sambo.

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