Share Water No. 13

The thirteenth issue of the African Water Association (AfWA) technical and bilingual magazine, Share Water, is now available. It provides solutions in terms of guidelines and tools likely to help manage the WASH businesses efficiently and mitigate the shortage of water supply, for improved access to sustainable water and sanitation services for all in Africa.

Among these solutions, the water safety plan (WSP) approach is widely recognized as the most reliable and effective way to consistently manage drinking-water supplies to safeguard public health. Since the introduction of WSPs in the third edition of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking water Quality (GDWQ) and the International Water Association (IWA) Bonn Charter for Safe Drinking Water in 2004, a significant number of water suppliers have implemented WSPs, and many governments are actively promoting their implementation and/or inclusion in national legislation.

Some benefits of WSP implementation include the promotion of public health by continuously assuring safer drinking-water for consumers, the setting up of a proactive (rather than reactive) framework for managing drinking water quality, the early identification of new/increased risks-incidents, the in-depth systematic evaluation of water systems, and much more…


Zoom : des équipements pour l’approvisionnement en eau et le traitement des eaux usées

Les solutions du groupe AVK interviennent à ce jour dans tout le processus de l’eau ou cycle de l’eau, du pompage au traitement, en passant par le réseau de transfert, de distribution et de traitement des eaux usées. Les équipements fabriqués et commercialisés rentrent dans la gamme des vannes à opercule (jusqu’à 2500 de diamètre), vannes à papillons (jusqu’à 3600 de diamètre) et vannes de régulation ou intelligentes, qui permettent de stabiliser une pression ou un débit en fonction de la consommation des abonnés. Ces vannes permettent de suivre le débit journalier et le débit nocturne, pour ne pas rester sur une pression en aval de 4 à 5 barres sur toute l’année alors que le tirage est à forte consommation. Des vannes de branchement avec système de clapet sont également disponibles, et l’entreprise dispose à ce jour d’une des gammes les plus larges de robinetterie et accessoires de canalisations pour l’eau potable ; toutefois, elle ne fabrique pas les pompes.

La vanne papillon est adaptée aux gros diamètres, pour une meilleure gestion de l’encombrement et du regard. Il existe une gamme dont les matériaux sont adaptés aux liquides agressifs ou eaux usées. Les vannes murales et guillotines sont quant à elles utilisées pour les stations d’épuration. La gamme de protection incendie pour sa part, devra être placée sur des poteaux incendie dans les villes afin d’assurer la sécurité des habitants.

La vanne opercule est la plus utilisée dans les réseaux d’eau en Afrique ; bien qu’assez banalisée car enterrée (l’appareil est souvent invisible), elle sert à sectoriser un réseau dans le cadre de la procédure pour déterminer l’Eau Non Facturée (ENF). Si la vanne n’est pas étanche, toute la logique de calcul est fausse. D’où la problématique de la qualité des produits installé sur les réseaux, car très souvent les vannes ne fonctionnent pas et ne sont pas étanches.

Le logiciel AVK Assist peut être installé sur I-pod ou Android pour lire les données des vannes connectées qui disposent d’un code-barres ; par ce moyen, il est possible de géolocaliser l’emplacement de la vanne. Il existe également des fiches techniques et des petits logiciels pour calculer les débits. La vanne intelligente comprend un système de capteurs qui donne à l’exploitant des informations sur la manipulation de la vanne de façon instantanée, et celle-ci ne peut plus être manipulée à l’insu de l’exploitant. Pareillement, cette technologie permet de signaler la manipulation du poteau incendie par une personne non autorisée. Cette technique innovante s’avère très utile pour lutter contre le phénomène de l’Eau Non Facturée, i.e. l’eau produite mais non facturée à l’abonné.

AVK impose sur le cycle de l’eau les exigences qu’elle s’est fixée pour la gestion du gaz. Il y’a un écrou de manœuvres complètement serti englobant dans l’opercule en fonte et entièrement vulcanisé. Il n’y a aucun mouvement, ni vibration entre l’écrou et l’opercule, donc aucune corrosion. Il existe un concept où l’écrou est simplement positionné et un mouvement continuel peut être noté. Aussi, après quelques mois ou quelques années, il y’a un phénomène de vibration et donc de corrosion.

AVK est l’une des seules sociétés qui fabrique le caoutchouc (polymère) utilisé pour ses équipements. Une vanne opercule c’est de l’EPDM compatible à l’eau potable. C’est dire que AVK possède la maîtrise qualitative du processus de fabrication, qui tient compte de la norme européenne EN 681, relative à l’élasticité du caoutchouc et la rémanence (capacité à pouvoir s’écraser quand on ferme la vanne et à retrouver sa forme initiale quand on ouvre la vanne). La certification allemande GSK permet à AVK de garantir la qualité du revêtement époxy sur la vanne. Il existe plusieurs critères de contrôles non destructifs qui permettent de garantir la longévité du revêtement époxy sur les équipements, ce qui empêche toute corrosion de la vanne, même après dix (10) ans d’utilisation. En tant que garantes de la qualité de leurs réseaux, les sociétés d’eau gagneraient à tenir compte de ces certifications.

Le concept de vannes à brides peut être multiplié en différents types de connexion. Même si la vanne opercule est le nouveau produit lancé, il existe plusieurs pipes en PEHD dans la sous-région. Il s’agit d’un équipement dont les 02 embouts sont très manchonnés, sans aucun boulon à serrer et sans couples de serrage à respecter ; il suffit de souder les tubes PEHD sur les embouts qui sont déjà sertis et testés en usine. L’avantage du PEHD est la garantie d’un niveau zéro de fuites, car le polymère peut être soudé.

Les bouches à clé vont de pair avec les vannes, car elles constituent le point d’accès de la vanne par lequel il est possible de faire de la recherche de fuites grâce aux logeurs, entre autres systèmes de qualité, qui permettent d’écouter le retour du réseau. À la suite des vols de fonte et à la demande des clients, AVK s’est orientée vers des matériaux composites qui sont recyclables, économiques, non corrosifs, ne peuvent pas être volés et consomment moins d’énergie afin de répondre aux exigences énergétiques actuelles. Une nouvelle bouche à clé en tête fonte, tout en composite (tête ronde, marquage hexagonal, couleur dédiée, numérotation, etc.), qui peut être réhaussée pour s’ajuster sous la chaussée au passage des véhicules a été lancée. En effet, l’un des problèmes récurrents est l’écrasement de la chaussée par les gros porteurs (véhicules à fort poids), qui laisse en saillance la bouche à clé ; elle reste donc en hauteur par rapport à la chaussée. La solution proposée va suivre le mouvement de la chaussée, et assurer une continuité constante entre la tête de la bouche à clé et la route, qui facilitera la manipulation de la vanne au cours des années à venir dans un souci de durabilité. À la demande des clients, elle est en cours de développement et de vente en Afrique.

L’origine de l’ENF peut être les fuites dans les vannes. Aussi, des équipements de réparation de conduite revêtent une importance majeure. Il s’agit des solutions ou manchons toute pression, tout matériau (pipe en PVC, PHP, acier, etc.) et tout type de pression (jusqu’à PN=40) qui permettent de réparer les canalisations ou conduites en charge sans couper l’eau. Les informations sur le type de conduite, le diamètre extérieur et la pression permettent de fabriquer des manchons dédiés pour résoudre rapidement et à faibles coûts les problèmes de fuites, évitant ainsi les coupures d’eau intempestives.

L’emboiture de deux (02) canalisations en PVC ou en fonte qui ont des fuites peut également être réparée. Les avantages comprennent la simplicité de la réparation qui est définitive et garantit l’étanchéité sur le long terme, sans coupure de tube, sans déterrer la canalisation et sans coupure d’eau afin de ne pas perturber les utilisateurs finaux lors du processus.


A Non-Intrusive Technology for Network Performance Control

The ultrasonic flowmeter is a tool for network performance control and preventive maintenance in handheld and fixed station. The principle of operation is the set of two (02) sensors on the same side of the pipe with sending of a wave on the side, which is reflected on the pipe that arrives on the second sensor. The 2nd sensor does the same thing and sends a signal which will be recovered by the other sensor. Depending on the direction of the flow rate and the speed, a difference in travelling time will be noted, which allows to measure the speed. As it applies to any measuring tool, the external diameter of the pipe or the wall thickness and the nature of the material should be set up.

The advantage of the ultrasonic flowmeter lies in its non-intrusive technology. It adapts itself to the environment and places itself on the pipe, without the need to take over the pipe or cut it. Moreover, it is not necessary to carry out important works for the setting up of the flowmeter. Its sensors allow it to adapt to different types of pipes, as they adjust to the pipe and can be installed on all types of networks, mainly in metal, non-metal network, PVC, PE, concrete, cement, asbestos, etc., ranging from 25 to 4700 in diameter.

The measurement is bi-directional and without loss of load because there is no contact with water. Sensors can be placed in different locations and require little space depending on the diameter and the nature of the material. The spacing between the sensors does not have to be very large.

The handheld tool is a small object that can be held in the hand, depending on the manufacturer and the pair of sensors, with a system that allows sensors to be tied to the pipe.

The fields of application are quite diverse. The ultrasonic flowmeter allows to control the performance of networks, in addition to or as an alternative to fixed sectorization, which is quite developed in the world. The performance of a drinking water network is controlled by measuring its flow rate, especially the night flow rate. The sectorization allows to identify the leaking sectors and to prioritize the research areas on which to carry out priority actions of leakage research, frauds, and network renewal, etc.

The watertight valves allow further reduction of the sectors through valve operations, changes in hydraulic sectors during the night, over several days or instantaneously depending on the research zones. They also allow to quantify the losses on the night flows rate, and then to carry out a ratio of the losses to check the performance of the network in the concerned areas to initiate or not corrective actions. They are further used to check the sectorization in place, especially the large meters and flowmeters that are already in fixed stations, which is a strategic focus for operators of water networks. The control is performed upon insertion, thanks to the presence of a fixed sensor that needs to be handled using an ultrasonic flowmeter, which can be an electromagnetic flowmeter, a mechanical meter, etc.

Some customers use it to check the large meters of big consumers before they validate the metering, given the financial impact of under-metering on large consumers. Data from the checking of fixed sectorization meters is used for the analysis of good or bad operation of a network. Failure to measure from the fixed meter has an impact on the operation and performance of networks. To check the pump flow rates, it is necessary to set the sensors on the pipes at the pump outlet and validate the nominal flow rate of the pump, i.e., identify if the pump is operating properly or if there is a need for maintenance.

It can be used upstream of works when defining the profiles of consumption, of distribution, of a suppressor, or the profile for the renewal of pipes. It is possible to set the device over several days to record the minimum, maximum and average flow rates, which will allow the correct dimensioning of works, i.e., avoiding having pipes or conduits that are too large or too small and using a suppressor adapted to the area.

Some images in the presentation below show the successive launch of four pumps to reach the desired flow rate in the drawdown to make the controls, and different examples of implementation. In the first example, the fixed insertion probe sends its data through a remote transmission system to the customer’s supervision software. The customer’s leak detection team had performed three unsuccessful researches for 20m3 of leaks in a specific area. Back to the starting point, there was a 20m3 difference between the handheld ultrasonic flowmeter that was set up and the insertion probe. The drift of insertion probe that occurred, resulted in a miscalculation of a measurement point and consequently a loss of operation due to the time spent to look for leaks where there were none.

Regarding the comparison with electromagnetic flowmeters, the connection with the flowmeter in place can sometimes run smoothly, but we can also observe electromagnetic interference defects on the electromagnetic meter that lead to a metering defect and a corrective action by the customer. In one of the cases encountered, one of the electromagnetic meters had got a large leakage rate, and the doubt of leakage was persisting. In fact, there was a 4 to 5 cubic meter difference that made it impossible to find the location of the leak, as the customer could not find their way around. The laying of an ultrasonic flowmeter allowed to detect the problem quickly. Example 2 (see presentation) is a DN300 stainless steel pipe on site where a pump flow rate had to be checked. The more the pipe will be larger, the greater will be the spacing between sensors. In case of no fixed flowmeter, it is possible to use the handheld ultrasonic flowmeter as a starting point to carry out checking for leaks, fraud and validate the proper functioning of a network. As a reminder, the minimum flowmeter is connected to the existing network.

That handheld measurement tool can be used by different departments: the distribution, performance and network department can be interested in leakage research feature, flow rate measurement feature and linear loss index ratio; production and maintenance department can use it to validate pump flows rate amongst other items that leaves the factory; metrology and metering department for the checking of fixed station meters; engineering offices and works department for the realization of hydraulic profit before works (e.g. modification of pipes, suppressors…) and quality department to validate performance of the network, etc.

Framework for the use of fixed ultrasonic flowmeter may varied. The handheld tool is multi-service and adapts itself to the environment. The use of fixed station is more restrictive, given the need to be tied to a point. Sensors are the same for handholding and fixed station. The difference lies in the unit, which will be fixed and close to the pair of sensors for the recovery of data from sensors and communication link with the remote transmission system for retransmission to a supervision software. The interest is obvious when it comes to large diameters of minimum DM400. Under that size, it is possible to use a fixed station to handle a fragile pipe, that one does not want to touch (the interest here lies in the non-intrusive side and the absence of important works for laying the equipment). However, it is suitable to be rigorous on the straight lengths to be respected for a better long-term precision.

The ultrasonic flowmeter is used for both drinking water and wastewater because the flow rates of condensate pumps are also checked by sanitation departments. The checking of flow rate pressure pumps with fixed station is also carried out for wastewater. To achieve the accuracy of wastewater measurement with the ultrasonic flowmeter, the pipe must be full. Sensors can be buried and immersed for a long time at fixed points. Pumps with inverters allow flow rate measurements to be tested even when water is loaded.

SEWERIN is a German manufacturer of equipment for improving the performance of water systems, mainly water leakage detection and Non-Revenue Water (NRW) improvement.


Smart Water Management by Xylem’s Digital Solutions

The 90th meetings of the African Water Association (AfWA) Scientific & Technical Council (STC) were held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from November 21 to 24, 2022, under the theme “Innovative Systems, Approaches and Tools to Accelerate Access to Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services for All”. A series of three technical conferences were given during STC Day 1, including one on Smart Water Management by Mr. Samba GUINDO, Regional Sales Manager – West Africa at XYLEM Côte d’Ivoire.

XYLEM is a manufacturer and supplier of innovative technologies in the water sector i.e. pumping systems (multistage, self- priming, end suction…), aeration equipment, flow meter, smart meter, etc.

Xylem’s Digital Solutions help customers gain capabilities in three key areas across their network.

  • Increase the ability to visualize the utilities’ entire water system by providing enterprise-level network transparency to justify expenditures, and prepare for challenges before they become failures;
  • Optimize that system with deeper insights and actionable, data-informed recommendations to improve their systems in real-time, and make better use of inputs and personnel;
  • And deliver greater asset reliance and resiliency, and increasing safety for the community and your people

Xylem digital ecosystem creates an information-centric and connected environment. As the workforce is connected to each other ,they are now connected to physical assets and the environment. Networks of sensors installed through supply, collection, treatment and distribution operations will monitor conditions in real time. Data and information will available via the cloud and hand-held devices anywhere, anytime. Beyond instantaneous process control, big data analytics provides the unique opportunity to explore Decision Intelligence. There are four major technological elements to Industry 4.0: i) Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), ii) Cloud Computing and Edge Computing, iii) Big Data Analytics and iv) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Xylem’s digital solutions fall under big Data Analytics and artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Machine learning enables systems to take prescriptive actions based on data-driven predictions. Automation has already replaced routine, manual tasks with higher value. Machine learning and artificial intelligence enable decisions and actions to be taken preemptively in response to changing conditions.

In-situ IIOT devices with edge computing will detect, control and provide visibility on events i.e. level rises, pressure changes, changing water quality and wastewater loading, loss of flow, off-spec effluents, etc.