Entries by gpc_admin

Aquatabs: An income generating activity in Niger

In Niger, access rate to drinking water and sanitation remains low.  According to the Joint Monitoring Program 2013 report, 100% of the urban population had access to improved water facilities as of December 2011 and the percentage of the rural population with access was 39%.  As stated in the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Rural […]

Access to clean water through Low Cost Technologies: some private initiatives to address the needs of the populations of the Centre-Ouest region, in Burkina Faso

During Phase I (2011-2015), USAID WA-WASH subsidized the installation of rope pumps for populations in its intervention areas.  In the Center-West region of Burkina Faso, some people took the personal initiative to improve their traditional wells and purchased rope pumps to gain access to potable water in their homes.  Given the advantages they gain from […]

The importance of awareness activities in the promotion of Aquatabs in rural areas

In its intervention areas, USAID WA-WASH contributed to improve the living conditions of many people through the promotion of Aquatabs (a drinking water treatment product).  In Niger, the particularity of many villages like Djigaré, Koutoukalé Koiré-Zéno, Koutoukalé, Koire-Tégui, Zama Koire Tégui, and Zama Koire Zeno is that they are located along the Niger River which […]

In the village of Majeri in the region of Zinder, in Niger, the community members installed a water point management committee that meets their needs.

During its Phase I in Niger, USAID WA-WASH promoted low cost technologies to provide people with sustainable water access.  As a result, 120 drinking water points were installed or rehabilitated in the region of Zinder. In each village, the Program advocated for the creation of a water point management committee (COGES in French).  Elected by […]

Production and processing of moringa: 16 producers from Niger are cross-learning from the experience of the Koukouldi women group in Burkina Faso.

From  May 30 to June 3 2016, a study tour took place in Koukouldi, Centre-Ouest region of Burkina Faso, for the benefit of 16 future moringa producers from the Doutchi region of Niger.  The group of farmers from Doutchi visit was funded by the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD).  Through this study tour, CAFOD […]

Association Africaine de l’Eau: Fin des assises de Luanda sur l’eau, l’assainissement et les changements climatiques

Le Conseil Scientifique et Technique de l’Association Africaine de l’Eau s’est réuni du 25 au 27 juillet 2016 pour faire le point des activités menées et définir la feuille de route des groupes de travail qui le composent. La cérémonie d’ouverture, présidée par le ministre de l’hydraulique et de l’énergie d’Angola, Joao Baptista Borges, s’est […]

La deuxième session de renforcement des capacités au profit du staff de l’AAE a démarré

Les sessions de renforcement de capacités du personnel de la Direction Exécutive de l’Association Africaine de l’Eau se poursuivent. C’est le cabinet malien CICF (Centre International pour le Conseil et la Formation) qui a été désigné, à l’issu d’un appel d’offre international, pour dispenser la formation. La première phase s’est déroulée du mardi 9 au […]

The USAID/West Africa WASH Coordinating Secretariat is organizing as part of the 2016 UNC Water and Health Conference, a side event on: “Increasing access to water services: Things we have learned and things we would do differently!”

The side event aims to stimulate interest in the WASH sector, demonstrate the soundness of knowledge management and information sharing in WASH, and highlight the importance of working collaboratively with the beneficiaries at each step of WASH projects and programs. Such approach is more likely to ensure sustainability, in that it will urge the beneficiaries […]

US EPA, in collaboration with FIU/USAID WA-WASH and AfWA organizes a drinking water laboratory auditors training workshop.

From October 5 to 7, 2016, the United States   Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in collaboration with FIU/USAID WA-WASH et l’AAE organized in Accra, Ghana, a training workshop on drinking water laboratories auditing in West Africa. Log on to: USAID WA WASH NEWS FLASH 71 US EPA IN COLLABORATION WITH FIU USAID WA WASH AND […]