Entries by gpc_admin

From December 12 to 14, 2016, the USAID/West Africa WASH Coordinating Secretariat is holding its third meeting in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire).

EVENT DATE Dec 12, 2016 to Dec 14, 2016 From December 12 to 14, 2016, the members of USAID/West Africa WASH Coordinating Secretariat will meet in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. This 3rd WASH Coordinating Secretariat Meeting will gather the involved WASH stakeholders for them to discuss key major issues including the findings of the public-private partnership […]

Members of USAID West Africa WASH Coordinating Secretariat participate at the 2016 University of North Carolina Water and Health Conference.

From October 10 to 14, 2016 the Water Institute of the University of North Carolina, United States hosted a conference on water and health, with the theme: “Bringing together research and public policy, practice and networking events”. During the conference, the USAID/West Africa WASH Coordinating Secretariat members organized a side event on October 13, 2016. […]

Aquatabs: An income generating activity in Niger

In Niger, access rate to drinking water and sanitation remains low.  According to the Joint Monitoring Program 2013 report, 100% of the urban population had access to improved water facilities as of December 2011 and the percentage of the rural population with access was 39%.  As stated in the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Rural […]

At Barago (Zinder region in Niger), the chief of village made the commitment to maintain the ODF status of his community

The rate of access to improved sanitation in Niger was only at 4% in rural areas, against 9% for the national level in 2012.  During its Phase I in this country, the efforts of the USAID WA-WASH Program contributed to increase the sanitation access rate through the promotion of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach. […]