WASH Climate Resilient Development: Monitoring and evaluation for climate resilient WASH
This Technical Brief forms part of the Strategic Framework for WASH Climate Resilient Development, produced under a collaboration between GWP and UNICEF. The Framework advances sector thinking around WASH and climate change, cutting across both development and emergency preparedness programmatic spheres; climate resilience is addressed as a cross-cutting issue encompassing elements of both disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. It serves to set out the rationale and concepts for WASH climate resilient development, as well as improve understanding of how to ensure that climate resilience is considered in WASH strategies, plans and approaches.
The objective of the Strategic Framework is to support WASH service delivery that is resilient to the climate, both now and in the future. The Strategic Framework is centred around four quadrants of activity; this Technical Brief sits within the ‘Monitor and move forward’ quadrant, shown in the figure below.
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