Training in Municipal WaSH Project Management in Dschang, Cameroon

In collaboration with the German-African Partnership for Water and Sanitation (GAPWAS), the African Water Association (AfWA) organized from 10 to 13 October 2022 in Dschang, Cameroon, a training session on Water & Sanitation Technical Project Management at the Municipal level. This workshop aimed at sharing good practices from North-South partnerships on the regulatory and operational dimensions of municipal project management.

This training session effectively strengthened the capacities of technicians within the municipalities, decentralized technical government services, delegated managers and support operators (NGOs, projects, programs, consultancy office) so that they can fully play their role under the efficient supervision of elected representatives. At the end of this four- (04) day session, the participants were able to present the post-training action plans developed under the working groups, whose implementation will help improve the water and sanitation public service quality.

This document presents examples of action plans developed.

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