shit flow diagram

SFD Promotion Initiative Updates

The University of Leeds supported a workshop in Nairobi, Kenya on May 5, 2017 where the new SFD (Shit Flow Diagram) graphic generator was used in an interactive workshop with 30 people from Nairobi City Water, the county government, civil society and the private sector. A first draft of an SFD graphic was produced for the city using the new generator. There will now be a three month consultation period, with two consultants provided by the African Population and Health Research Council (with funding from BMGF) and Sanergy to support the preparation of a full SFD including a Service Delivery Assessment. The University of Leeds will continue to support this process.

In May and June Oscar Veses was in Babati, Tanzania to help prepare an SFD as part of a DFID SHARE research activity looking at sustainable urban sanitation, in partnership with WaterAid. He then traveled to Kafue, Zambia to support their preparation of an SFD as a tool to explore equity and effective services. This will be used as a part of a REACH research initiative funded by the DFID REACH project in partnership with LSHTM.

In June, the University of Leeds supported a series of capacity building workshops in Ethiopia in partnership with WaterAid and Yorkshire Water. These workshops with secondary towns reviewed SFD reports and developed action plans for follow up improvements in service delivery. This process culminated in a national workshop in Addis Ababa. The University of Leeds is coordinating with Christ Heymans at the World Bank to see if this can contribute to the ongoing World Bank support to cities.

Resources and Tools

The first set of FAQs has been successfully uploaded to the SFD portal and can be found HERE. The SFD PI has developed a review procedure to ensure the transparency and credibility of SFD Reports. The review evaluates the credibility of the sources used to develop the report. Now authors can have their SFD Reports reviewed as a prerequisite to publish on the SFD web portal. Find the document in the SFD toolbox.


  • Version 2.0 of the SFD Graphic generator is now complete and will be made available online in the coming weeks.
  • 5 new SFD reports will be published on the website soon.
  • SFD PI has improved and updated the SFD manual. The new version is close to finalization and will soon be available on the SFD portal.

You can also follow our latest news on Twitter @SFD_PI
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at

Originally posted on the SuSanA Forum