Entries by Sonia Fotsing TEGANTCHOUANG

A Monitoring Technique of Desludging and Decanting Faecal Sludge

Tamil Nadu is a rapidly urbanising state that has been establishing and scaling up sustainable FSSM, leading the way in innovating technologies and operating models in sanitation. Safe collection, handling, and transport of fecal sludge (FS) is an integral part of a septage management programme. This paper documents the use of load axle sensors with […]

The Abidjan Declaration, a Key Outcome of the 21st AfWASA Congress/FSM7 Conference

More than 3000 participants and exhibitors from all over the world gathered as world’s leading experts, engineers, technicians, researchers, and stakeholders, to meet the concerns of citizens in water and sanitation sectors during the 21st AfWASA Congress & Exhibition and the 7th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference, from 19 to 24 February 2023 in Abidjan […]

The Yaounde Statement: AfWA Makes Recommendations for Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Management

The Cameroon Water Utilities Corporation (CAMWATER) organized an international Symposium jointly with the African Water Association (AfWA) and some partners, including LACROIX Sofrel, Technolog SA, Liason, etc. This event took place from January 26 to 27, 2023, in Yaoundé, Cameroon, under the theme: “Financial Viability of Water Utilities in Africa: Control of Commercial Losses and […]

Share Water No. 13

The thirteenth issue of the African Water Association (AfWA) technical and bilingual magazine, Share Water, is now available. It provides solutions in terms of guidelines and tools likely to help manage the WASH businesses efficiently and mitigate the shortage of water supply, for improved access to sustainable water and sanitation services for all in Africa. […]

Zoom : des équipements pour l’approvisionnement en eau et le traitement des eaux usées

Les solutions du groupe AVK interviennent à ce jour dans tout le processus de l’eau ou cycle de l’eau, du pompage au traitement, en passant par le réseau de transfert, de distribution et de traitement des eaux usées. Les équipements fabriqués et commercialisés rentrent dans la gamme des vannes à opercule (jusqu’à 2500 de diamètre), […]

Smart Water Management by Xylem’s Digital Solutions

The 90th meetings of the African Water Association (AfWA) Scientific & Technical Council (STC) were held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from November 21 to 24, 2022, under the theme “Innovative Systems, Approaches and Tools to Accelerate Access to Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services for All”. A series of three technical conferences were given during STC […]

Six takeaways identified by the All Systems Go Africa symposium for accelerating progress in the WASH Agenda across the African continent

This three-day All Systems Go Africa symposium was convened by IRC, in collaboration with UNICEF and the Government of the Republic of Ghana who also hosted the event. Between 19 and 21 October 2022, the event brought together over 250 participants, with delegations from 25 African countries, at the Kempinski Hotel. Participants comprised political leaders, […]

Setting Up a Community of Practice (CoP) on Earth Observation Technologies

As part of the International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition held from September 11th to 15th, 2022, experts from the PrimeWater Consortium (EMVIS S.A & EOMAP), DHI Water & Environment, Australian Water Partnership (AWP) and African Water Association (AfWA) organized on September 12th, 2022, a session themed “Earth Observation Technologies for Water […]

Training in Municipal WaSH Project Management in Dschang, Cameroon

In collaboration with the German-African Partnership for Water and Sanitation (GAPWAS), the African Water Association (AfWA) organized from 10 to 13 October 2022 in Dschang, Cameroon, a training session on Water & Sanitation Technical Project Management at the Municipal level. This workshop aimed at sharing good practices from North-South partnerships on the regulatory and operational […]