The EMPOWERWASH-AFRICA programme was launched by the African Water and Sanitation Association (AAEA) with the support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. This project aims to improve Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) systems in rural communes, targeting 30 communes in six countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi and Uganda). The first phase lasted one year from August 2023 to October 2024. In order to increase the impact of the program, AAEA drew inspiration from Benin’s successful management models by organizing a Benchmarking mission from July 9 to 13, 2024 in Cotonou and the commune of Kpomassè.
This learning note presents the results of the benchmarking mission carried out in Benin. As part of this study, the aim is to analyze the management model of drinking water supply services in rural areas in Benin. Since 2017, the model in Benin has been organized around the National Agency for Rural Drinking Water Supply (ANAEPMR) which is responsible for planning, infrastructure management and the delegation of services to private operators using leasing contracts. This centralization allows for rigorous and consistent monitoring of service standards. However, it faces constraints such as resistance to change from mayors and rural communities, communication difficulties during water cuts, and inadequacies in infrastructure maintenance. In this learning note, AAEA will analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities of Benin’s rural drinking water supply model.
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