AfWA Executive Office received training in project management

The project failure rate in Africa is estimated at nearly 70%, according to Malian international consultant Sadio Sissoko.


The reason for the failure of projects undertaken on the continent can be explained by many factors. Indeed, most failures can result from “technical” causes (insufficient budget, poor deployment of resources, poor organization), human factors, generally referred to as “resistance to change”: attitude and behavior of project beneficiaries and project manager.


A long list of principles is urgent to understand, in order to guarantee a better chance of success for a project. Here are some of the reasons that led to this training workshop on Project Management for the AfWA Executive Directorate. A 5-day training, given by a Malian expert from the CICF firm, highlighted the fundamental procedures for the successful execution of projects.


It should be noted that this umpteenth training session falls under the AfWA’s staff capacity building chapter, as set out in the AfriCap programme of the African Water Association financed by the USAID West Africa Office for a period of 4 years.


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